How long does the BR candidate search and placement process take?

It typically takes two to four months for BR to locate qualified candidates until an offer is accepted.

On average, how many candidates will BR send to us?

Depending on your needs, BR may send as few as three candidates, or as many as 20.

What does BR’s preliminary search process involve?

It begins with a thorough search through BR’s proprietary database. Appropriate candidates from the database are contacted first and CVs are forwarded to you. If ideal candidates for a specific position are not available in the database, BR then goes to outside referral sources to expand the candidate pool. To get a detailed explanation of how the candidate search process works, click here: The BR Search Process for Employers

Does BR conduct international searches for candidates?


What is BR’s reply time for phone calls and emails?

BR staff members return phone calls and emails immediately.

What kind of searches does BR perform?

BR has the flexibility to meet your search needs on a contingency, retainer, or engagement fee basis. BR can also meet your contract needs. For information on fee specifics, contact BR.

How are BR candidates screened?

BR has an extensive screening process to ensure that candidates are well suited for available positions. In addition to ascertaining a candidate’s experience and objectives, BR also queries candidates on personal information that is pertinent to the candidate’s ability to accept a good offer.

Does BR use researchers? If so, how are they used?

Yes. Although, having an internal research department is unusual in a company this size, BR has a dedicated research staff of three seasoned professionals who are rotated to work on high priority jobs. BR researchers are involved in identifying a candidate pool internally, and in locating qualified candidates not within the system. They work to keep the BR database robust and update candidate information so that it is current. BR’s researchers also perform candidate screenings, including the initial calls, describing the position, and determining a candidate’s interest. Qualified candidates are then referred to the BR recruiter.

How does BR find the passive job seeker?

BR’s uses its in-house researchers, and an extensive database and referral network that has been developed over many years. Job boards are not relied on for candidate searches.

How does BR employ technology to help locate candidates?

BR uses a highly sophisticated, industry-specific software system, developed by recruiters, that addresses the unique needs of the recruitment industry. The system is customized to the terminology and process that is specific to BR. This system enables BR to maintain records on thousands of candidates, including their CVs, job histories, contact information, education histories, current employment and employer, previous employers, and relocation preferences.

BR’s software includes documentation tracking. Notes can be captured on every contact–whether by phone, in writing, or via email–and each send-out can be accurately tracked as well.

Because accessibility is key to the usefulness of the technology, every BR employee has a workstation that allows immediate admission to the system. As a result, all BR staffers can retrieve information at any time in order to assist clients and candidates alike in a timely manner.

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